Im März 2019 traten zwei Schülerinnen und vier Schüler zur FCE-Prüfung in Graz an, alle haben erfolgreich bestanden und können stolz ihr Cambridge Certificate in Händen halten.
Livancic Andela und Dier Armin konnten sogar die Höchstnote A erreichen.
Wir gratulieren herzlich zur hart erarbeiteten Zusatzqualifikation.
from: Livancic Andela
to: HTL Zeltweg; homepage
What is FCE? What are its privileges? Did I personally enjoy the experience? If you’d like an answer to any of the questions I’ve listed, I suggest on further reading.
What is FCE?
Short do First Certificate in English, FCE is an English language exam provided by Cambridge Assessment English. It faces various challenges of the English language. Young adults, children are required to think thoroughly and complete plenty of different tasks
What are the privileges of FCE?
This exam has 4 different tasks, which include: reading, listening, writing and speaking. As any other exam, it requires a certain level of knowledge in order to complete it successfully. If all done correctly, a person has a chance of reaching level as high as C1. As for the privileges, it can serve well when a person is in need of a job in an English speaking country or when applying to a school that requires a certain level of English language knowledge.
What was my experience?
I absolutely enjoyed the entire FCE experience. The instructors were extremely kind along with delightful. They handled and explained the tasks amazingly. I met plenty of different people from all around Austria, also keeping touch with some of them. I’d do it all over again if I could!
I can wholeheartedly admit that FCE is a great experience. It is something that I will absolutely remember for the rest of my life. If you have the chance to take a part in, make sure to take it. Get your certificate! All is worth it!